Legend: african way of roots

By rewinding all through the appdictive way of receipt it would seem to be a little „rooty“ to get its aims. But concerning the rooting way, which belongs to more natural facts, you will either get one day way down to Africa – to originate proof.

There – inside sup-tropic temps you will find liquid essential giving a sign of choice for your decision. No beasty tech thing will ever grab your way. So – be there, ´til water ever glam youth way.

See shining spice rules inside liquicy – watering blurbs up to social wellness, no wire missing.

Wire would have effect Europe in 1986, first connect was around 1980 – fixed up at datalabel as first unplugged without knowledge. Mental way – you think?

Unplugged root of liquid blurb is a legend, you may came by ff in any wired oder non-wired way? But this disc. just belongs to neighbors…


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