Last night I was enhanced in trolling in trottling „art“ deviant trough web. Trigger built my reaching out for finding my most favoured artist Frank Zappa and one most-liked song, named „The torture never stops“ .(I found it later on: )
So I adviced google with my discussion-base „I am asleep“ and rudimental (äh… no Rudi here is mental;-) – Rudi was the name of my bird 😉 and feed fragments of my fav-song as bro same as poorly choicen keys „: never stops“ to GooGoo-Honsey…
As expected, I get astonished results on my „personal“ indexed result-site No. 13 … one of this results, which aumented my interest, was this site:
Title of article attended my inner sin to „quest“ myself, what „rab big ins burgh“ would maybe mean… as dedicated to my chaotic associations and the stat, to talk talk most time german, I tried to re-envolve the page-title to „Rab e pickt ins Brot“, which will mean translated: „The Coracox (=raven) will picking the bros“.
So, maybe the coracox is already ruminating mi bros as a cheap sheep and when he finished regurgitating my zappa bros, he would be polish to answer mi quest directing to the redundancy about second some thing. .
Menawhile my *call is digested into open access, he is granting for just this night a reader´s digest for me…
Because interesting stuff stan´d for d a´ath?
Here I could´n t ban my neurotic number-symbolization, that may be(e)? longs to Kabbalah and Chasi dut y?
What would f.e. happen, if me – I would chance the particular „shall“ triar-tronc into conditioned form „should“ and complete the be(ing“ to bee (what would relate to my name saBiene, bc. in german Biene = bee,). Then I would stat: I should be that which I shall bee… ? That could disturb the harmony of cifras?
Do I + 1 for the complemental (not complete mental;-) „O“, left the U with puttin´ addictional „Name“ „Be e“ inside?
For my „counterizising“ in childy way by numerating german alphabet and building integered digit sums the resultat would gain: 560 for the phrase not named an if a add for my Havayah my individual created „name“, which is „kosmolyth“ und its bill is 137. Now my quest: Do I integrate Elokim in this maths? For me I think, I am adicted to count 26 on the bill and do off 137… Causing 26 to common dig 8 seems to consolitade more justice…
But now we could discuss, ifit is Jacob´s stare way to heaven lo/C/O/oking down on stone-root?
Or may I just change „Kosmolyth“ to Havayarah against my personal inner Name „ANA“, which belongs to my second Name – get „contently 8“ at all… But 8 I knew from coma
Me, I kicked the stones a way after coma in 2003/2004: After cardial disruption and being reanimated, I resolved to „come back“, because 8ternity felt boring as – in my comatic-cloudy-caughted (CCC) -Vision …
So, I ´m leaving you with the pains of waiting for reply and
sorrows for my terrible (D)english as well as
Sabine Puttins